Strawberry Kiwi Smoothie

Strawberry Smoothie Ingredients
1 Cup Woodstock Frozen Organic Strawberries
2 oz. Stonyfield Organic Strawberry Yogurt
¾ - 1 Cup Harvest Bay Original Coconut Water


Kiwi Smoothie Ingredients
2 Kiwis, Frozen or Fresh
1 Handful of Fresh Spinach
½ Cup Harvest Bay Original Coconut Water
¼ Avocado
1 tsp. Chia Seeds


Purely Elizabeth Coconut Cashew Grain Free Granola
Bob’s Red Mill Coconut Flakes
Fresh Fruit 


Combine all ingredients for strawberry smoothie until smooth. Place in bowl or cup and set aside. Rinse blender, then combine all ingredients for kiwi smoothie and blend until smooth. In a large glass, spoon in some of the strawberry smoothie, then kiwi on top, repeating until glass is full. Top with granola and coconut flakes.